Chapter 2.1: Magic and Robotics

Welcome back to another update to Quagmire’s Name Game Challenge. Last time Galaxy took over as head of the Challenge and moved to Glimmerbooke to pursue his aspiration to be Purveyor of Potions. He then married his childhood friend Aliyah Harrington. Ali gave birth to the first child of generation 2 Gaiska.

11-26-19_2-42-19 PM.pngPoor Gal starts off the chapter getting cursed yet again, but worry not fellow readers as he knows the cure spell.

11-26-19_2-44-43 PM.pngJemima:  So sister like being the carrier of the spawn who will one day take over this save file?

Ali: Um….if you mean I get to spend the rest of my days with the love of my life, have a family, and live in this fabulous house and not be at the mercy and whims of the MCCC mod……then yes……..I like it very much.

Jemima: Well I never want to have kids….there frightful little creatures.

11-26-19_2-46-11 PM.pngWhile  the sisters have some bonding time Gal improves on his robotics skill.

11-26-19_2-50-34 PM.pngGal: Hazah I am an amazing and fantastic cook!

11-26-19_2-51-15 PM.pngWhile Ali runs on the treadmill we are blessed with the news that she is expecting baby A.

11-26-19_2-52-39 PM.pngNot to be out done with the news of a new sibling, Gaizka ages up.

11-26-19_3-03-02 PM.pngUnfortunately Gaizka is not eligible to be in the running for heir. But he is a spell caster and a cutie. He rolled the wild trait.

Gaizka has dinner, starts learning how to talk, and is read to sleep.

In the morning Ali gets her first opportunity for a disciplinary action.

11-26-19_7-01-08 PM.pngThen it was off to the potty.

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Oh dear……this is not good……not good at all. I stupidly sent Gal back to the robotics workbench after he got electrocuted the first time and then he died 😥 luckily Ali was able to plead with the grim reaper to revive him.

Lesson learned I will not be trying that again………unless I actually want to kill one of my sims…….

11-26-19_7-29-43 PM.pngGaizka was blissfully unaware of his father’s demise and resurrection.

11-26-19_7-34-50 PM.pngGal is giving robotics a little break and back to practicing magic.

11-26-19_7-56-37 PM.pngAfter his break he is back at it………just please don’t die.

11-26-19_8-53-06 PM.pngThis is a face we all know too well…….

11-26-19_8-55-00 PM.pngGal: It’s okay….just breath……we’ve been through this before….It’s fine….everything is fine.

11-26-19_9-37-42 PM.pngAnd of course everything is fine. Welcome baby A. Her name is Alojzia pronounced (AHLOY-Ziyah) and according to it’s the Slovak feminine form of ALOYSIUS.

But wait…..there’s more…….

11-26-19_9-40-42 PM.pngShe also has a twin brother Lojze which is short form of Alojze which is the slovak version of Aloysius.

So 0 points for Alojzia but 1 point for Lojze.

11-26-19_10-00-02 PM.pngAunt Izzy came by to get her portrait painted and met her niece and nephew as well.

11-26-19_10-01-31 PM.pngIzzy’s portrait +1.

11-26-19_10-38-24 PM.pngGaizka meets his siblings for the first time and I think he’s happy about it.

11-26-19_10-53-42 PM.pngQuemby and Quagmire come over for a visit.

11-26-19_10-56-56 PM.pngAli get’s another opportunity to discipline her little trouble maker.

11-26-19_10-57-39 PM.pngBut can’t stand to see his sad little face and makes up for it by tossing him up in the air.

11-26-19_11-00-30 PM.pngThough Uncle Quemby has two kids of his own he seems at a loss of what to do.

11-26-19_11-24-15 PM.pngGal invites his friend Morgan Ember over for a friendly duel.

11-27-19_6-28-59 AM.pngAnd it’s the twin’s birthday!


And both of the twins are also not eligible for heirship. Alojzia is a silly toddler while her brother is a charmer.

Neither are spellcasters but have the week bloodline trait as does Gaizka.

Total: 162

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