Chapter 2.5: Another Era Has Come to Pass

Welcome back to my Name Game Challenge! Last time there were aspirations completed, promotions achieved and birthdays celebrated, which left us with a lot of pop ups. I’m going to endevor to use less, much less pop ups this time around. Let’s get to it!

04-09-20_9-23-53 AM.pngXzavier: Bubble, bubble toil and trouble!

04-09-20_9-27-57 AM.pngXzavier: Mmm, tasty now I feel rejuvenated!

Xzavier downed a Potion of Plentiful Needs and went fishing for his outdoor badge. I think he got to level 2 before he got that notification telling him the fish were too clever, or something, for him.

04-09-20_9-24-14 AM.pngAlborz is getting quite good at the piano.

04-09-20_10-01-34 AM.pngAlojzia enlisted the help of Alborz and Xzavier to build her rocket.

Alborz: So we’ll be able to use this rocket as well once we’re done, right?

Xzavier: I mean it’s only fair.

Alojzia: Yes you can use it, but I get priority.

04-09-20_10-29-36 AM.pngGalaxy: *hits self with hammer* Owowowowow, man you’d think after a while I wouldn’t be making rookie mistakes. Man that’s gonna leave a mark.

04-09-20_10-45-58 AM.pngXzavier: Man I look like the Wicked Witch of the West. This is so not a good look for me!

04-09-20_10-57-33 AM.pngXzavier: Yo bro, what’s up?

Gai: What are you doing here Xzavier?

Xzavier: Dad gave me the gift. What, are you not happy to see me?

Gai: Of course I am! It just took me by surprise is all.

Xzavier: Hey since I need to improve my spellcasting ability would you mind having a friendly duel with me?

Gai: Bring it on! Just know, you aren’t going to win.

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Gai: Woooo! That was a pretty good match! You ok?

Xzavier: Yeah, you taught me a lot. Next time though you won’t be so lucky!

Gai: Ha! Luck had nothing to do with it, pure skill over here.

04-09-20_11-12-59 AM.png Gal bestows the gift of spellcasting on Tammy.

04-09-20_8-13-46 PM.pngXzavier caught the final ingredient for the cure potion! Also he and Alborz came home with their high school As. +1

04-09-20_8-25-18 PM.pngAli: What is that gastly looking concoction?

Gal: Oh, just a cure potion. Xzavier cursed himself, but fear not he was able to gather the last ingredient.

Ali: WHAT! He cursed himself! Is he alright?

Gal: Of course he is. I said fear not didn’t I. The curse was relatively minor, just temporarily disfiguring.

Ali: WHAT!

04-09-20_8-26-57 PM.pngXzavier: Well that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

04-09-20_8-28-00 PM.pngThe rocket is finally built and Alojzia goes on her first trip to outer space. 04-09-20_9-55-03 PM.png

So I’ve been trying to avoid using these all chapter but Xzavier is now a Llamacorn Scout as well as Lojze so +2.

04-09-20_9-59-16 PM.pngI’ve been speeding through game play and missed Galaxy’s birthday 😦

The next morning is Alojzia and Lojze’s birthday. Alojzia adds Paranoid to her traits and Lojze adds Family-Oriented.

Tammy also aged up so Lojze could propose an marry her. They moved out right away but I think I’m going to keep Alojzia around to see if I can complete her aspiration before Xzavier ages up.

04-09-20_10-45-22 PM.pngYavuz finishes his aspiration +1 but I don’t think I’m going to have him try for another.

04-09-20_10-45-57 PM.pngJimena is heavily pregnant and doesn’t look too happy about it. Remember she Hates Children, which was the reason I didn’t pick her for Gal.

04-09-20_10-53-35 PM.pngAlojzia and Lojze add their portraits to the family gallery +2. 04-10-20_10-49-08 AM.pngA little family time round the tv and roaring fire. It’s season premiere time. Also Ali got promoted to Tenured Professor.

05-02-20_12-26-39 PM.pngAll that’s left for Alojzia to complete her aspiration is to master the logic skill. Aunt Jimena is nice enough to help out.

05-02-20_12-37-09 PM.pngRight now I have Ali and Gal working on the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, though I am having Ali go between this and the family aspirations. All that to say when Ali as some spare time she helps make even more money by painting.

05-02-20_12-42-42 PM.pngGal has made an Exo suit and helmet. I was going to have him make the arms but then I noticed he can make a Servo!

05-02-20_12-56-55 PM.pngXzavier: Take that you broken toilet!

05-02-20_12-58-10 PM.pngXzavier: Damn it! That wasn’t the right spell!

During this fiasco Gal mastered the Robotics skill +5.

05-02-20_12-58-26 PM.pngAli and Alojzia: Ahh! The toilet’s on fire! How is that possible?

Alborz: Hey guys, what’s going on?

05-02-20_1-01-43 PM.pngMac n’ Cheese made the way it was intended, in a big cast iron cauldron.

05-02-20_1-50-43 PM.pngThe baby of the family is turning into a teenager.

05-02-20_2-10-16 PM.pngYavuz rolled Perfectionist and Bodybuilder.

Yavuz’s birthday coincided with New Years. Hugs all around! Gal and Ali actually kissed but I didn’t take a picture 😥

05-02-20_2-24-53 PM.pngXzavier is now an Adept spellcaster and can now levitate his books. I could have sworn that Ulrike could immediately do this when she became a spellcaster.

05-02-20_2-32-43 PM.pngXzavier is in range for Responsible and Empathetic and is really close to Emotional Control so I am determined he will achieve Emotional Control before his birthday.

05-02-20_2-35-37 PM.pngRainbows and sparkles galore! Alojzia completed her aspiration! Which means she also mastered the logic skill! +5 for the aspiration and another 5 for mastering logic!

05-02-20_2-42-49 PM.pngShe now can instantly upgrade objects so she upgrades one of the computers and this stereo. I was going to have her stick around to upgrade all items in the house but she can only do this once every day or few hours so I had her move out to be at the mercy of story progression.

05-02-20_3-31-37 PM.pngI’ve been having Xzavier go through Collector and Freelance Botanist aspirations.

05-02-20_4-35-46 PM.pngGal: Ah, finally I have achieved the top of my career! I am officially a Master of Machines, I can retire now. +5

05-02-20_4-37-03 PM.pngAl and Xzavier being good older brothers and finishing Yavuz’s project for him.

05-02-20_5-15-20 PM.pngIt’s Geek festival time and since all the kids were at school and Ali was a work Gal went and he won the hackathon!

Gal has built a Servo! Her name is Kit Robo and she is a Genius, bookworm who loves art.

Gal: It’s alive!

Kit: Correction, you have designated this unit as She or Kit there for that is how you should address this unit.

05-02-20_6-31-41 PM.pngAnd being an Art Lover one of her wishes was to paint so she is helping Ali. Ali has mastered the painting skill +1.

The boys are finally Young Adults! Alborz rolled Art Lover and Xzavier rolled Creative. Alborz achieved Responsible and Emotional Control and Xzavier also achieved those plus Empathetic.

05-02-20_7-01-35 PM.pngJust a little sneak peek for next chapter. Xzavier goes camping!

Total: 270

Not so fast! First some family updates!

04-09-20_10-46-59 AM.pngQuemby got married for a second time. I believe Jo is a vampire.

04-09-20_10-47-06 AM.png

Quinn married the mother of his twins.

04-09-20_10-47-10 AM.png

04-09-20_10-47-14 AM.png

04-09-20_10-47-20 AM.png

Kolby, Ali’s half-brother, Married Judy Keene. Judy I believe is the Mother to Yvette and Kelley, Mykolas’ twin daughters.

04-09-20_11-09-38 PM.pngUrsa Vaughan, daughter to Uriel and Laila Goth.

Queenie and Ulysses Vaughan, Quinn’s twins.

04-09-20_9-37-10 PM.png

So last chapter I said Elijah was Quemby’s son, well he isn’t. However, he is Uriel’s half-brother.

04-09-20_10-05-54 PM.png

04-09-20_10-05-57 PM.png

04-10-20_11-01-10 AM.png

04-10-20_11-27-23 AM.png

Rylie Vaughan, Uriel’s daughter with Charlie Bailey.

05-02-20_5-35-29 PM.png05-02-20_3-42-53 PM.png

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